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Activity at Tolt/Carnation Cemetery

The northern section of Tolt Cemetery was established in 1905 on a land donated by Frederick B. Bagwell [1878-1952], son of the pioneer Frederick W. Bagwell. [1851-1901]

IOOF[International Order of Odd Fellows} established another cemetery on the south section of the current cemetery a year later. The cemeteries were divided by the road, that runs in between the 2 cemeteries to this day.

In 1957 IOOF took possession of the northern section until late 1990s, when the city took over the cemetery.

You will find several burials at the cemetery, that predate 1905. Those burials were transferred from the 1st cemetery in Tolt, The Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

In 1917 the town name was changed from Tolt to Carnation, but it was changed back to Tolt in 1928 ,only to be changed again to Carnation in 1951.

Carnation cemetery is claimed by some to be one of the most active cemeteries in Washington State.

It shares a border with Carnation Elementary School to the North.

According to psychic medium Jennifer Von Behren, the energy of the cemetery felt good and peaceful, to which I agree after visiting the cemetery a few times.

However, Jennifer Von Behren feels, that there is activity there. She gets the image of a movie " Haunted Mansion", where the ghosts are "chilling" and having fun. She feels that this cemetery is a 'play ground" for the ghosts.

Jennifer Von Behren did pick up a female ghost at the cemetery, but she was not the lady in white that some claim to have seen.

Jennifer Von Behren felt that there is an energy wall divide between the cemetery and the school by the back fence. It was created by someone to protect the children.

Jennifer Von Behren also feels that there are layers of burials ,that are overlapped a few times, creating over stacking layers. She also felt that some headstones had been moved to a different location.

The cemetery is located next to a busy road and adding the many sounds from the school children, recording on a voice recorder is not very optimal. However, I was able to record a female voice and several male voices during my visits.

I believe that the activity possibly increases later at night, when surrounding things calm down.

I will include some pictures and history of the town of Carnation to this post, including what Jennifer Von Behren said about the old Tolt State Bank building under the corresponding pictures.

Remember to never trespass and always treat the places and the deceased with respect. Leave the area as you found it.

For photos from this location, click through to our Facebook page:



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