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Designed by Kirtland Cutter, this beautiful 13000 Sq feet, 23 room mansion was built in 1895 to a pioneer businessman and the founder of Kalispell, Charles E. Conrad [1850-1902}, his wife Alicia Davenport Stanford [1861-1923] and their 3 children. After selling the shipping company that he started with his brother, Mr Conrad invested in cattle ranching raising bison, mining,banking, and real estate. He seemed to be well ahead of his time and had back up plans ready in case of emergencies. He made the most use of space and items to serve him and his family the best. For example, he had electric light fixtures with a carbide gas system, built in fire hose in each level of the house, pass thru' connecting the kitchen and the dining room, cold water drinking fountain, all year round usable grill in the kitchen,1st electric dishwater, hanging rails for pictures and for any over sized items in the house he simply built the wall around the item. In 1974 the house was gifted to the city of Kalispell by Alicia Conrad Campbell, who took care of the house for many years. Conrad Mansion was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. Travelling thru' Kalispell, I stopped to take the tour of this amazing house. Rumor has it that some of the old family members never left. The 3rd floor, the 2nd floor bedrooms and the mid-level nursery, I was told, are very active, especially the toy room. Full figured apparitions of a little girl, an old lady and a grown man have been seen and disembodied footsteps on the 2nd and 3rd floor and the servants staircase have been heard. The dining room and Mrs Conrad's bedroom felt to me that they would have some activity. According to psychic medium Jane Stewart, one of the founders of Ghost411.net podcast, there are at least 4 ghosts in the mansion. She can see an impression of a servant carrying a platter . She is wearing a white hat with a ruffle rim, covering the top of her head. She also sees another female spirits. She hears a word "matriarch", so she believes that the female is the woman of the house. She also sees a young boy. She believes there are other children there as well, but she can only see the boy. There is also a male spirit, who seems to be the man of the house. Other guests have seen children playing in the toy room. Mr Conrad used to go out on the balcony to smoke a cigar. Sometimes people catch a whiff of the cigar smell lingering in the air. Conrad Mansion Museum is truly a place one must see when in town. 90 percent of the items in the house belonged to the Conrad family. All though you cannot take pictures inside, the design, the wood work, the use of space,the Tiffany windows, the history of the family and their famous guests and stories are well worth seeing and hearing.